
In FREYA Slovakia, we always put an emphasis on a customer orientation. Our customer is not just an invoice, an order or money. Our customer is a real person looking for a solution for a persisting problem, trying to improve current conditions. Therefore, we always try to find the best alternative: quick return on investment, notable long-term costs-saving and high quality light.

The way we choose our providers, producers and final products forms an integral part of our philosophy.

Obhliadka na mieste

On-site inspection

We try to find an individual solution for every customer. Photography, description and scheme truly provide important information about technical characteristics, location and status of current lighting system, but it is always better to see it with our own eyes. Especially, when it comes to most complicated projects. Our experienced eye may always spot new possibilities that may not be apparent in the scheme.

Návrh optimálneho riešenia

We design a perfect solution

During the on site inspection, we suggest the best solution for you, providing our vision and inspiration. Of course, sometimes there is more than one option. We tell you about the final design advantages and disadvantages, product applicability, producers and the technology involved. We can also bring few light samples to test on site and provide you with the date sheets.

Svetelno-technický projekt

Light-planning project

After the on-site inspection, we create a light-planning project using DIALux software. This useful software tool offers a preview of the proposed lighting solution. DIALux Software uses the latest data about lighting technologies. DIALux software is absolutely objective. This way you can be sure the solution we have suggested is really the best one for you. DIALux software also helps to set the right illumination level that fits your requirements and on-site conditions the most. It can show we need to increase or decrease the light flux intensity. If you wish, we can create more alternatives. 

Dodávka a inštalácia

Delivery and installation

We can take care of the proposed installation as well as the proper installation of lights themselves. In case you have your own electrician or you have other possibilities of the installation, we can only deliver the lights to your premises. There is also a possibility to pick up the material in our premises.



We are aware of the fact that the initial costs of quality LED lighting can be a considerable amount of money. That is why we offer a possibility of individual financing to every customer regarding specific project needs and customer´s financial situation. We always try to find the convenient solution for the customer: we customize the installments, plan the lighting replacement in phases, take into a consideration the return on investment and the order volume... There is also a possibility to do the lighting reconstruction with no investment required, so the customer starts to pay, when the new lighting system becomes cost saving.

If you are interested in high quality LED lights and our individual financing plan, or you just want to find out more information on the service, let us know. We will gladly advise and answer all your questions.

Záručný a pozáručný servis

Warranty and Post-warranty service

Although we apply very strict criteria on the material and providers and we collaborate with reputable companies only, there is always a possibility of defective product or a component. Thus, we provide warranty and post-warranty service. If necessary, we can also provide spare parts or the product replacement. Anyway, thanks to our own experience we can trust the quality of lights we sell and we believe you would never need to apply your right to warrantynorpost-warranty service.

Thank you for choosing the quality

We will prepare a tailor-made solution for you

We offer an individual approach for each project and we take into account the parameters of lighted premises when proposing a solution. 

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