A light that saves the environment and the municipality finance
A huge OMS truck of European Lighting Tour 2013 was well visible from the main road of Trenčianska Turná on November 14th and 15th, 2013. When you walked up the small stairways and passed the photodetecting door, you immediatelly found yourself in the other world. You got trapped by a virtual slide show of OMS Lighting focused on the LED lighting technology and innovation of design, quality and environmental responsiblity.
Foto: Adriana Juríčková
Nowadays, most of the lighting systems in use in Slovak villages, was installed in early 90´s. Since the directives and standards on illumination are the subjects of permanent changes, many of them do not meet the legal requirements anymore. The demands are getting higher and higher since the technological development provides many possibilities how to improve, protect or make human life easier.
FREYA Slovakia s.r.o. together with the OMS Lighting have organized LED public lighting presentation in Trenčianska Turná. There they presented the latest innovations in field of lighting technology.
Foto: Adriana Juríčková
The old-fashioned public lighting is not only less effective, but also means a huge costs for public budget and even bigger problem for the environment. Moreover, new LED lighs provide white light, much more resembling the daylight, what improves the visibility and security for the citizens - less accidents in evening and nights.
The slide show was meant for village and town mayors, so that they could realise all the possibilities of public lighting reconstruction in their municipalities, regarding the lighting conditions, energy and cots savings and payment opptions.
Foto: Adriana Juríčková
Trenčianska Turná was the very last stop of OMS truck. During the tour, LED lighting innovations were presented also in Croatia, Poland, Czech republic, Nederlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Finland and France.
Nowadays, interior, exterior, design and industrial LED lights made by OMS are installed in more than 120 countries all over the world. OMS Lighting's interior, exterior, design lights are currently being used in more than 120 countries all over the world. Freya Slovakia s.r.o. is a partner of OMS Lighting and takes care of sale and customer support.
The main advantages of LED public lighting comparing to common flourescent light:
- life quality improvement
- saves the energy,
- significant costs reduction (up to 60 %)
- much lower maintanance costs,
- long operation time (minimum of 20 years),
- quick return on investments,
- highly effective street illumination (no dark spots),
- less CO2 consumption.